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2017 SEND statistics from the DfE

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DfE has published some detailed SEND data for England.

These DfE statistics, extracted by NDCS, exclude deaf young people over 16 who are not in school.

The figures below refer to where deafness is a primary need.

  • Number of deaf children with a statement or EHC plan is up by 48 children (1%) to 5,985. This represents a 9% decline since 2009 and 3% decline since 2014.
  • Number of deaf children on SEN support is up 4% to 15,182. Highest ever figure since we started collecting this data.
  • Overall number of deaf children identified as having SEN is up 3% to 21,167.
  • Overall, 1,406 deaf children are in special schools. This is down by 1 child since 2016. There are 39 deaf children in special schools without a statement or EHC plan.
  • 52% of deaf children are boys. Looking only at deaf children with a statement or EHC plan, this rises to 56%.
  • The number of deaf children at SEN support ‘peaks’ at age 11. For those with a statement or EHC plan, it peaks at age 15.
  • 67% of deaf children are White British. Most common BME background is Asian (15%) including a 9% who are Pakistani.
  • 21% of deaf children claim Free School Meals.
  • 23% speak English as an additional language


There are 2,791 children where deafness is a secondary need. This means the School Census identifies a total of 23,958 deaf children. Once the 2017 CRIDE data is out, we’ll (NDCS) be able to say how many deaf children are missing from the School Census, but it’s likely to be between 40% and 45%.

Speech, language and communication needs is the most common additional need for deaf children, followed by moderate learning difficulty, and then by specific learning difficulty.