Paul Simpson Mentoring Scheme
BATOD is committed to Continuing Professional Development and to enabling its members to develop best practice in relation to the education of deaf children and young people. The mentoring scheme launched in 2022. Following the passing of Paul Simpson, BATOD National Executive Officer (1997-2023), in November 2023, and with the family’s blessing, the BATOD mentoring scheme was renamed in Paul’s honour.
Mentoring is one of the key approaches for supporting members to achieve this aim.
The main objectives of the scheme are:
- to support learning from experience and sharing best practice
- to support the professional development of practitioners
- to allow experienced QToDs to share their knowledge and skills with others
- to provide guidance for those wishing to become a mentor or mentee
The scheme is run on a voluntary basis and is open to all BATOD members who are Qualified Teachers of the Deaf. The scheme is UK wide. Both the mentor and mentee application will be made by way of self-nomination.
The mentee application form can be found here.
The mentor application form can be found here.
Training, Support and Quality Assurance
The Mentoring Steering Group will support the overall coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the mentoring scheme and will also provide appropriate training and guidance to mentors and mentees.
To be a BATOD mentor you must have attended a BATOD Mentor Training day.
Documentation exists to support both the mentor, mentee and to provide guidance and structure for the mentor mentee relationship. The documentation consists of the following items
- Mentoring handbook
- Mentoring agreement template
- Mentoring agreement guidelines
- Mentoring ethics and code of conduct
The success of a mentoring partnership will depend significantly on the attitude and commitment of the individual being mentored. They will need to have a clear idea of what they want to achieve from the mentoring partnership.
How the process works for a mentee
The mentor role is critical to ensuring the success of the mentoring partnership. Those who take on the role of mentor assume responsibility for guiding, advising and helping to facilitate the development of the mentee.
How the process works for a mentor

Further information can be obtained on request by emailing [email protected]
An article about the programme can be accessed here.