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Applications for Discover UCL 2023 are now open

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“The Discover UCL Summer School is an exciting opportunity exclusively for deaf and hard of hearing students in Year 12 to find out more about university.

The summer school will consist of a variety of advice and guidance sessions structured around applying to, preparing for and thriving at university. Topics covered will include writing a personal statement, navigating the UCAS process, and funding your university study. You’ll also get the chance to learn like a university student, be challenged academically as well as get help to identify the support available at university for deaf and hard of hearing students.

UCL will provide specialised support including BSL Interpreters and live captioning for the duration of the summer school. Due to the high level of support provided, only fifteen places are available.”

“The summer school will run across three days in July 2023.  The first two days will consist of online activities and the final day will take place in person on the UCL campus in central London.

Online section (Tuesday 25 July – Wednesday 26 July): participants will complete an online course, hear talks from deaf role models and our team of experts, and complete group activities with other young deaf people.

In-person day on UCL campus (Thursday 27 July): participants will take part in an object-based learning session, have the chance to tour the university and ask questions of panel members including deaf role models and university staff and current/former students.

The programme is delivered in collaboration with Manjula Patrick, Associate Professor and inclusive education lead at the UCL Arena Centre.”

Visit their website for further information.