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Are you a CI user or do you know those who do? CIICA need your help

Posted in News

Message from CIICA

“Are you a CI user or do you know those who do? We need your help!

We are fortunate to have received a grant from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada to carry out a survey of Adult CI users of the services that they receive and would like after implantation. This is the first global survey of its kind, and we would really like as many responses as possible. You will find below the link to the survey in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

So – we are asking all CI users to complete, and to share it with colleagues and members of your organisations to encourage as many as possible. The more responses we receive, the better and more influential the report will be.

We would like all responses back by 30 April  in order to start analysing and reporting.

Here are the links that you need – choose one:


Go to www.ciicanet.org/news for more information.