‘Are You Listening’ conference September 2021
Audiovisability and Decibels in partnership with Wells Cathedral School have organised this conference that will bring deaf and hearing practitioners and key organisations from the music and education world together. Audiovisabilty is a leading music organisation run by D/deaf musicians and Decibels a charity committed to music education for the deaf. Wells Cathedral School runs a specialist music school within an “all-round” school for pupils aged 2 – 18.
The organisers have explained “the day is filled with speakers, a concert with emerging young deaf musicians, plenary sessions and 3 INSET sessions.
How to book: Tickets cost £15 for the conference, £20 INSET, £30 for both. Tickets include lunch and coffee.
They can be booked through Wells Events website:
Places are limited and socially distanced according to the necessary protocols at the time of the event.
The conference will be fully British Sign Language interpreted with Wheelchair access.”
Click here for further booking information.
Please address all enquiries to hello@audiovisability