Undergraduate study participants sought
“The University of Reading’s Institute of Education and Department of Computer Science, together with partners, GOALS4LIFE, Deafax and AACT, are conducting a study, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, called DEAL: Digital Education and Accessible Learning. Its aim is to investigate the accessibility of online learning materials for university undergraduate students who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH); and for those who have dyslexia or speak English as a second or additional language. In the midst of this difficult COVID-19 situation, we are currently seeking to recruit undergraduate study participants from these three groups. “
Click here for a flyer to give to possible participants.
For further information contact Helen Lansdown (Project Research Assistant ) [email protected]
Ken Carter- Consultant & Adviser- Goals4Life (Global Online Assisted Learning & Support)
Helen Lansdown, Project Research Assistant – Deafax.
Deborah Flory-Administrator-AACT (Access-Ability Communications Technology)
Professor Suzanne Graham, Principal Investigator, Institute of Education-UoR
Professor Richard Mitchell, Department of AI & Computer Science, UoR
Dr Yota Dimitriadi, Ed. Tech./SEN Adviser, Institute of Education, UoR.
Ilan Dwek-Senior Researcher, Institute of Education, UoR
AACT –https://www.reading.ac.uk/education/partners/ioe-aact-partnership.aspx