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Development of parent resources for families of deaf children – request for help (UCL)

Posted in News

Message from UCL colleagues

“We are continuing to recruit families for the study Development of parent experience-based information resources for families of children aged 0-4 years with mild/unilateral hearing loss.

So far, we have interviewed 8 parents mostly of children with unilateral hearing loss. We are now looking for families of children with mild/unilateral hearing loss under the age of 4 years with the following characteristics:

  • Any families with a child with mild (not mild to moderate) bilateral hearing loss.
  • Families with a child who has a unilateral hearing loss and at least one of the following characteristics:
    • Limited qualifications post-school or who are less affluent.
    • English is not their first or primary language (an interpreter can be provided).
    • Child has siblings.

We would really appreciate it if you could pass on the attached information to any families that you think might be interested and potentially discuss the study with them if you feel able to.

The study is funded by the National Deaf Children’s Society. Its aim is twofold: firstly, we would like to understand the experiences, views and needs of parents/carers of young children with mild or unilateral deafness; secondly, we plan to develop online resources for parents. The results of this study will provide evidence to improve the support for parents and carers when their child is identified with mild or unilateral deafness.

Participating will involve an online interview with our researcher which will take about 1 hour, and we will give participants a £20 voucher as a gesture of thanks.

There is more information about the study at the following link:


Please do get in touch with us if you would like any more information.

Best wishes,

Hannah Cooper, Jamila Dorner and Amanda Hall”