Anne Ross 23.7.1935 – 27.02.2005

Anne’s accomplishments are too numerous to list. She loved being a Teacher of the Deaf. She was passionate about Deaf children and their right to lead happy and fulfilling lives. She worked tirelessly to achieve this. Anne was head of the Educational Audiology Service in the NEELB for more than 20 years. The Service today bears witness to her leadership and vision.
Anne was an inspirational colleague – a life long learner – who encouraged everyone else to be the same. She was generous in sharing her knowledge and expertise. A long-term member of BATOD NI, she served as a committee member and Office Bearer as well as being a NEC representative for many years. She brought DELTA to Northern Ireland and was local co-ordinator until very recently. Several co-horts of students following the Birmingham Distance Learning Course for Teachers of the Deaf benefited from having Anne as their local tutor.
Anne’s approach to having cancer was remarkable. She said it had enhanced her life – as she learned to appreciate every day and through it made many new friends.
Everyone who met and knew Anne recognised the exceptional woman she was. My memory is of a stylish and charismatic woman, a woman of warmth and courage who with vision and enthusiasm embraced life and all it brought, a woman full of optimism with a tremendous sense of fun.