Monica Tomlin MBE
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BATOD is delighted that Monica Tomlin, a Teacher of the Deaf, has been awarded the MBE.
On 7 June 2005, Monica Tomlin attended an investiture at Buckingham Palace to receive the MBE for services to deaf children in Bangladesh from the Queen.
Monica went out to Bangladesh in 1983, initially for 2 years as a volunteer to help to set up a small oral school for the deaf in Dhaka. She stayed in the country for 13 years and during that time was instrumental in setting up 10 schools and 4 audiology clinics throughout Bangladesh. Monica was also involved in working with Dhaka University in developing and lecturing on a post graduate course in Special Education.
Since her return to the UK in 1996, Monica has continued her links with the schools and clinics. She returns to Bangladesh regularly in her holidays and hosts visits to the UK for staff to update their training.
Monica would like to pass on her thanks to all those colleagues who have donated equipment such as test boxes and audiometers for Bangladesh. She is still in need of hearing aids if any one has any which are no longer used but are in working order.
Since 1998, Monica has worked as Educational Audiologist for the Herefordshire Physical and Sensory Support Service. She can be contacted at the Children’s Hearing Centre, Ross Road Health Clinic, Ross Road, Hereford, HR2 7RL Tel: 01432 356438