Information | 29.11.2017 | By paul_simpson

The social and emotional development of deaf children – references and resources

Appleton, K (2004) The National Deaf Children’s Society; the first 60 years 1944-2004. London, National Deaf Children’s Society

Ballantyne, J.C. (1960) Deafness. London, J and A Churchill

Calderon, R. and Greenberg M. (2003) Social and emotional development of deaf children: family, school and Program effects. In eds M. Marschark M and P. E. Spencer. Deaf studies language and education. Oxford, Oxford University Press

Courtin, C. and Melot, A.M. (1998) Development of theories of mind in deaf children. In eds M.Marschark and M.D.Clark, Psychological perspectives on deafness, Vol 2. London, Lawrence Erlbaum

Denmark, J. (1994) Deafness and mental health. London, Jessica Kingsley

Ewing, A. and Ewing, E.C. (1964) Teaching deaf children to talk. Manchester, Manchester University Press

Ewing, A.E. and Ewing, E.C. (1971) Hearing impaired children under five. Manchester, Manchester University Press

Gregory, S, Bishop, J. and Sheldon, L. (1995) Deaf young people and their families.: Developing understanding Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

Gregory, S. (1976) The deaf child and his family. London, George, Allen and Unwin, later published as ‘Deaf children and their families’. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995

Griggs, M. (2004) Deaf wellness explored. In eds S.Austen and S. Crocker. Deafness in mind: working psychologically with deaf people across the lifespan. London, Whurr Publishers

Hindley, P (2000) Child and adolescent psychiatry, in eds P. Hindley and N. Kitson, Mental Health and deafness. London, Whurr Publishers

Hindley, P (2004) Promoting social and emotional skills in deaf children: avoiding deficits that lead to problems. BATOD Magazine, Jan 2004

Hindley, P. (2003) Promoting social and emotional development in deaf children: linking theory and practice. In Eds C. Gallaway and A. Young. Deafness and education in the UK: linking theory and practice. London, Whurr publishers

Lewis, M. M. (1968) Language and personality in deaf children. Slough, Bucks, National Foundation for Educational Research

Lewis, M.M. (1963) Language thought and personality in infancy in childhood. London, George Harrap and Co

Marschark, M. (1993) Psychological development of deaf children. Oxford, Oxford University Press

Meadow, K.P. (1980) Deafness and child development. London, Edward Arnold

Nolan, M. and Tucker, I. (1981) The hearing-impaired child and the family. London, Souvenir Press

Remmel, E., Bettinger, J.G., Weinberg, A.M. (2002) Theory of mind development in deaf children. In eds M.D.Clark, M.Marschark and M. Karchmer. Context, cognition and deafness. Washington DC, Gallaudet University Press

Rodda M. and Grove, C. (1987) Language cognition and deafness. London, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Rodda, M. (1970) The hearing-impaired school leaver. London, University of London Press

Rogers, K.D. Coyne, S. M. and Bale, C. (2007) The effect of early communication on self-esteem of deaf children. Deaf Worlds Vol3 (1)

Watson, T.J. (1967) The education of hearing handicapped children. London, University of London Press