It is Mental Health Awareness Week (Monday 18 to Sunday 24 May 2020).
BATOD is the sole professional association for Teachers of the Deaf in the UK. We aim to ensure inclusion of information linked to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, not just England. So we are taking the opportunity to highlight the following articles that featured in recent editions:
Holly Greer, a Consultant Psychiatrist in Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities summarises mental health provision in Northern Ireland.
Mhari Greenwood, an Educational Psychologist in Scotland, provided an overview of her ‘The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Deaf Children’ presentation shared at the 2019 BATOD Scotland event.
Meg Shepherd, a Programme Co-ordinator of the Newborn Hearing Screening in Wales and Early Language Adviser with the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, outlined the vital family centred intervention in Wales.
Dr Deborah Innes, a general adult Psychiatrist with the Scottish Mental Health Service for Deaf People, provided a summary of her presentation ‘Mental Health: update from Scotland’, shared at the 2019 Scotland event.