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NDCS temporary hearing loss survey

Posted in News

Here is a message from the NDCS about a survey it is conducting into temporary hearing loss:

“At the National Deaf Children’s Society, we’re keen to better understand the experiences of families with children who have experienced temporary hearing loss – to consider how we can better support them but also to inform an expected NICE review of guidance on otitis media later this year.

We have prepared two surveys – one for professionals working with families, and another survey for families whose children who are experiencing or who have experienced temporary hearing loss.”

It would be helpful if BATOD members could complete the survey:

Survey for professionals: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/THLBATOD

If possible, it would also be helpful if members were able to share the parent survey with families in their area.

Survey for parents: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NDCStemporaryhearingloss

Both surveys take around 10 minutes to complete. All responses will be anonymous unless explicit consent is given. The surveys will be open until the end of September.

NDCS has prepared some text which could be used with families:

Temporary hearing loss – your experiences

Has your child ever had a temporary hearing loss? This might have been due to glue ear, a blockage in the ear or a perforated ear drum.

The National Deaf Children’s Society are asking families to complete a short survey on this issue. They’re keen to hear from families about their experiences and how you felt about the support you received.

They will use the information you provide to help them think about how they can improve the way they support families of children with a temporary hearing loss.

The survey will take about ten minutes to complete and is available online at: