REMINDER – if you wish to become a trainer please reply by the closing date of 5th April 2019; other applications welcome at any time
Become a Mentor
In partnership with the course providers for the ToD Mandatory Qualification, BATOD is looking to provide a national mentoring scheme for ToDs and QToDs. This scheme will complement what is already in place in the universities but aims to match mentors with mentees who are in their first year after qualifying as a ToD. It will also provide mentors for QToDs who are moving from one role to another such as resource provision to peripatetic role and also for those who have had a promotion to team lead or head of service.
BATOD and the course providers are in the early stages of implementing this scheme and currently we are looking for expressions of interest from potential mentors.
If you have the skills and experience, and are interested in giving back to the profession in the capacity of a mentor, please complete this application form. Further information will be available in due course.
There is an additional feature to this programme. We are also looking for QToDs with expertise in delivering training to support with the rolling out the scheme by training the mentors. This will involve attending a course to be held in Manchester on 29/04/2019. On this day a ‘train the trainers’ course will be held to equip you with the skills to provide training for those who have signed up to be mentors. There are limited places available as trainers and we are looking to ensure regional coverage.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor please complete the additional section on the application form and ensure your firm is returned to [email protected] no later than 05/04/2019.
If you are interested in becoming a trainer please also confirm you would be able to attend on the 29/04/2019 for training at the University of Manchester.
Mentoring forms an important part in supporting the profession in the field of deaf education. We anticipate this will be a valued and much used programme and are looking to ensure sustainability long into the future.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Steph Halder, BATOD President 2018 – 2020