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North West Educational Audiologist Group Regional Meeting

Posted in News

The North West Educational Audiologist Group Regional Meeting welcome Educational Audiologists and Teachers of the Deaf to their next meeting (Tuesday July 9th 2019) .
1.00: Arrival and refreshments

1.30: ‘A picture of words – an insight in to the numbers of words a deaf child is exposure to during a typical school day’ by James Mander,  Audiologist & Operational Manager, Ewing Foundation.

2.15: ‘Development of a new sound-field speech-in-babble assessment tool’  by Helen Whiston, Research Audiologist, The University of Manchester.

3.00: The future of the group; Trish Cope to lead a discussion

3.30: Networking

4.00 close

Location: Human Communication, Development & Hearing HCDH, Ellen Wilkinson Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PLPlease email trishac@ewingfoundation.org.uk to book a place and also for any advice about travel or parking.