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Participation in Masters research study request

Posted in News

Please see below a request for support.

‘Research study exploring the perceived impact of spoken language choice in deaf or hard of hearing multilingual children and young people’

“I would like to invite you to participate in a research study exploring the perceived impact of spoken language choice in deaf or hard of hearing multilingual children and young people.

If you work with with deaf or hard of hearing children and young people in some capacity (E.g. ToD, Speech and Language Therapist, an audiologist, a communication support worker, teacher), then I would greatly appreciate your participation.

This online questionnaire forms the first part of a research project I am carrying out at the University of Birmingham, and I’m hoping to reach as many corners of the UK as possible, and for this I need your help.

Please complete the appropriate questionnaire below, and share the links within your professional networks. For families to participate, they must have at least one other spoken language, apart from spoken English.

You’ll find the text and link for parents below. Feel free to copy and paste this into an email for them. The questionnaire takes max. 10 minutes to complete and you will have a chance to win a £20 Amazon voucher as well.

Questionnaire link for professionals: https://forms.office.com/e/PAdY7wt6Wi

Please share this invitation with your colleagues and send the text below to suitable families.

Thank you for your time and support.


To send to parents:

Dear parents and carers

I would like to invite you to participate in a research study exploring the perceived impact of spoken language choice in deaf or hard of hearing spoken multilingual children and young people.

I have attached an online questionnaire link below, this questionnaire forms a part of a research project by me, Lotta Clarke at the University of Birmingham, with the aim to reach as many multilingual families across the UK as possible. To take part, you must be a parent or a carer of a D/deaf or hard of hearing child or young person and your family must use one or more spoken languages, apart from English.

In completing the questionnaire, you are helping the research by providing valuable information about parents’ opinions and experiences and you have the chance to win a £20 Amazon voucher.

Click here to access the parental questionnaire: https://forms.office.com/e/Wa6zhfxSYi

Thank you for your time and consideration!”