Resource | 19.02.2024 | By Teresa Quail

6f. Staying safe

Deaf Children and Young People (DCYP), their families, and those working with them have opportunities to

  • develop an understanding of what a positive relationship is and be aware of signs of an unhealthy relationship, eg coercion, control, etc
  • understand and respect choices around sexual orientation and preference
  • explore barriers to dating hearing people, including online dating
  • clarify their understanding around romantic/sexual relationships and be signposted to safe sexual health information
  • consider putting safe practices in place in shared accommodation, eg housemates knowing you need to be alerted to a fire alarm
  • know about the resources and equipment (including Bluetooth technology) available to support independent living and how to obtain them, eg fire alarms, flashing doorbell, vibrating alarms.

*See also Section 4 about staying safe in relation to social media and Section 1 about Deaf Identity

Suggested resources

Previous pages

6a. Developing independence

6b. Careers and seeking employment

6c. Money management

6d.  Independent travel

6e. Preparing for the world of work

Next page

6g. Technology to support independent living, learning and work


Previous sections

Section 1  Deaf identity

Section 2 Communication, language, and literacy

Section 3 Understand access to sound

Section 4 Social, emotional, physical, and mental health

Section 5  Manage change

Next section

Section 7 Specialist assessment and monitoring