Tall Stories is a theatre company . They indicate they are “for audiences of all ages, with the company’s most noted and popular productions including ‘The Gruffalo’, ‘Room on The Broom’ and ‘The Snow Dragon’. Tall Stories is committed to making sure our productions are accessible and open to everyone and we aim to be an industry front runner in providing performances that accommodate a range of audience needs and abilities. Part of this includes providing BSL performances.”
This December they have the following shows with BSL performances:
The Snow Dragon, Thursday 5th December 2019 at 10.30am and 1.30pm, Lakeside Arts Centre Nottingham.
The Snail and the Whale, Wednesday 11th December 2019 at 11am, Apollo Theatre Shaftesbury Avenue.
The Gruffalo’s Child, Saturday 21st December 2019 at 1.30pm, The Lowry, Salford.
The Snow Dragon, Tuesday 17th December 2019 at 10.30am and Sunday 22nd December at 2pm (performances will also be relaxed and audio described) Gulbenkian, Canterbury.
They note the performances are ‘open to all, and either signed by a British Sign Language interpreter or captioned with text for families and children with hearing impairments. The BSL interpreter is usually integrated into the show and so will move around the stage with the performers.”
For further information visit their website: https://www.tallstories.org.uk/about/access-performances