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UK Deaf Sport- Fair Play for Deaf Athletes

Posted in News

UK Deaf Sport is “asking the Government to end the discrimination against elite deaf athletes and fund and support them as they do Olympic and Paralympic athletes and support the DeaflympicsGB Team to compete at the Deaflympics.”

“UK Deaf Sport is requesting that the Government initially invest £3 million into deaf sport and athletes over the next 4 years to develop deaf talent pathways, training, coaching and wider support for elite deaf athletes and to send a strong, competitive DeaflympicsGB Team to Tokyo in 2025 and also let our athletes have access to the same support that Olympic and Paralympic athletes get through UK Sport.

UK Deaf Sport feel the time is right to readdress this discrimination so that we are able to create strong and successful deaf athlete pathways that mirror their Olympic and Paralympic peers. Deaf athletes as role models on the world stage will inspire the deaf community to engage in sport and activity and gain the associated physical and mental health benefits.”

Visit their website to read about how to support their campaign.