NDCS published a blog about accessible information for deaf young people about covid-19 vaccinations. The blog signposts to resources developed by each of the UK Governments. In England, the Department for Education has very recently published some information in BSL, for example.
NDCS has also made a few small changes to their live covid-19 blog for families on education support:
A new section has been added about ventilation as an example of an issue that may arise in classrooms. Relevant section below:
Improving ventilation by opening windows and doors has been identified as an important measure in reducing the spread of coronavirus. However, this may result in there being increased background noise in the classroom, making it harder for deaf children to hear their teacher.
If this is the case, we expect schools to take steps to reduce background noise, as much as possible and/or to place deaf children in quieter rooms. The use of additional listening devices, such as radio aids, may also become more important.
Carbon dioxide monitors are being used in many schools as a way of identifying if rooms need extra ventilation or to provide reassurance that doors and windows do not need to be opened.