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Visual communication and reading research project (UCL)

Posted in News

Update message from our colleagues at UCL


“You may remember previous messages from us and adverts in the BATOD Magazine about an interesting research project being run by a team of researchers at University College London.    They are looking into the into the role of visual communication in reading development in deaf children.   BATOD is on the advisory board of this important project.

So far the team have recruited 58 deaf 4 yr olds from around England!  Thank you so much for your help with this.

The team are now recruiting children to join the project who are starting reception in 2023, or 2024. They are especially keen to recruit from areas not yet represented. The map shows the location of the children currently involved in the project.

Please can you help by spreading the word about the project,  sharing information with parents and encouraging them to find out more and sign up?

This poster contains all the relevant information and links for teachers.   Also attached is a draft email that you could use to send to any potential parents you know who might be interested.

Many thanks for your help with this research.”

Note:  This study has been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Committee, Project ID: 3612/012