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Y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg – diweddariad i’r ymchwiliad | Children, Young People and Education Committee – inquiry update

Posted in News

See below an update from Senedd Cymru


Annwyl Bawb,


Yn gyntaf, ar ran yr holl Aelodau, hoffem ddiolch i chi am gyflwyno tystiolaeth i’n hymchwiliad sy’n ystyried a oes gan blant a phobl ifanc fynediad cyfartal at addysg a gofal plant.


Mae’r holl dystiolaeth ar gael ar wefan yr ymchwiliad, mae hyn yn cynnwys yr holl nodiadau o’n hymweliadau, gweithgareddau ymgysylltu a gohebiaeth.


Rydym bellach yng nghamau olaf y gwaith o gasglu tystiolaeth ac roeddem yn meddwl y gallai fod yn ddefnyddiol rhoi diweddariad i chi ar y camau nesaf.


Camau Nesaf:


Ionawr 2024 – y drydedd sesiwn gyda’r grŵp cynghori ar-lein. Mae’r grŵp hwn yn cynnwys rhieni, gofalwyr a phobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o’r materion yr ydym wedi bod yn eu trafod. Yn y sesiwn hon byddant yn nodi’r materion y maent yn credu sydd bwysicaf iddynt.


Chwefror 2024 – Bydd y Pwyllgor yn ystyried y materion allweddol a’r argymhellion posibl.


Mawrth – Mai 2024 – bydd yr adroddiad yn cael ei ddrafftio, ei ystyried a’i gytuno gan yr Aelodau.


Diwedd Mai 2024 – Cyhoeddi’r adroddiad.


Byddwn wrth gwrs yn rhoi diweddariad unwaith y byddwn wedi cadarnhau’r dyddiad cyhoeddi ac yn rhannu manylion y lansio gyda chi.


Ar ôl cyhoeddi’r adroddiad, bydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru chwe wythnos i ymateb i bob un o’n hargymhellion. Yna bydd ein hadroddiad, a ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru yn cael eu trafod yn y Senedd gan holl Aelodau’r Senedd.


Diolch unwaith eto am dreulio amser yn cyfrannu at yr ymchwiliad hwn. Mae eich cyfraniadau wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy wrth helpu’r Pwyllgor i ddeall y materion y mae plant, pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd yn eu hwynebu wrth gael mynediad at addysg a gofal plant cynhwysol.


Yn gywir

Tîm Clercio’r Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg.


Dear All,


Firstly, on behalf of all the Members, we would like to thank you for submitting evidence to our inquiry looking at whether children and young people have equal access to education and childcare.


All evidence is available on the inquiry webpage, this includes all the notes from our visits, engagement activities and correspondence.


We are now in the final stages of evidence gathering and thought it might be useful to update you on the next steps.


Next Steps:


January 2024 – third session with online advisory group. This group is made up of parents, carers and young people with experience of the issues we have been looking at. In this session they will be identifying the issues that they think are the most important.


February 2024 – Committee will consider the key issues and possible recommendations.


March – May 2024 – the report will be drafted, considered and agreed by Members.


End of May 2024 – Report published.


We will of course update once we have finalised the publication date and share report launch details with you.


After the report is published, the Welsh Government will then have six weeks to respond to each of our recommendations. Our report, and the Welsh Government response will then be debated in the Senedd by all Senedd Members.


Once again thanks for taking the time to contribute to this inquiry. Your contributions have been invaluable in helping the Committee understand the issues children, young people and their families are facing in accessing inclusive education and childcare.


Kind Regards

CYPE Clerking team.