Our keynote speaker, Michelle Garcia Winner’s name is synonymous with Social Thinking. Her critically acclaimed programme is used all around the world to support the development of skills needed to thrive socially and academically.
The Social Thinking Methodology helps individuals with social learning challenges learn how to develop their social competencies to better connect with others and live happier, more meaningful lives. We create unique treatment frameworks and strategies for those as young as four and across the lifespan develop their social thinking and social skills to meet their personal social goals.
This international conference, a first of its kind, brings together the worlds of social thinking and hearing loss. What challenges in social thinking do children with hearing loss experience? And why?
From theory to practice; we’ll look at ways the Ear Foundation is supporting the development of these vital skills across age groups. A day full of practical ideas and resources for the children and teenagers you support.

Learn from Michelle Garcia Winner, the founder of Social Thinking, as she describes the principles programme and how its being implemented to transform the way children think and problem solve.
Develop practical strategies that help join the dots between using hearing technology, theory of mind, executive functioning across the ages.
Reflect on up to date research and how we are currently trying to develop social skills. Recognise effective strategies to support understanding inference, perspective taking and critical thinking to make and keep friends.
Impact your practice, leave confident in the knowledge that children benefiting from hearing technology can achieve better outcomes socially and academically when we dare to do things differently.
Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC is a speech language pathologist who specializes in the treatment of students with social cognitive challenges, which includes diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger syndrome, ADHD/ADD, Twice exceptional and Non-verbal learning disorder, to name a few. She has a private practice in San Jose, California where she works with clients, consults with families and schools and she travels internationally giving workshops as well as being invited to train psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and state policy makers. She presents many different all day workshops and helps to develop programs for schools and classrooms.
Michelle is the founder of Social Thinking® and the related treatment strategies. She has written or co-authored numerous books which are published through Think Social Publishing, inc. Michelle’s goal is to help educators, psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health counselors and parents appreciate how social thinking and related social skills are an integral part of students’ academic, vocational and community success. She was featured as a Social Thinking therapist in the 2016 Sundance Premiere Documentary; Life, Animated. She was honored with a “Congressional Special Recognition Award” in 2008. Michelle believes we can all do far more to understand the social learning process and how we can teach more of these concepts to all students.