Resource | 19.02.2024 | By Teresa Quail

2a. Creating language rich home environments

Families are supported to

  • create a rich communication and language environment
  • understand the broad range of reasons to communicate
  • understand how language and communication development for a deaf baby/child is different
  • experience opportunities to observe/engage with the range of communication used by deaf people
  • understand what is needed to achieve their communication goal
  • have a shared understanding and value the importance of language in creating relationships in the family and community
  • understand the importance of language in learning and literacy
  • understand the importance of language supporting sense of self
  • know how to access information on the different types of communication and support from a range of organisations
  • know about a range of resources available to support literacy
  • co-produce communication goals.

Suggested resources

Next pages

2b. Communication and language in education

2c. Communication with others

2d. Technology for communication


Previous section

Section 1 – Deaf identity

Next sections

Section 3 Understand access to sound

Section 4 Social, emotional, physical, and mental health

Section 5  Manage change

Section 6  Preparation for adulthood

Section 7 Specialist assessment and monitoring