2b. Communication and language in education
Deaf Children and Young People (DCYP) and families
- in partnership with others, support all professionals in the setting to communicate effectively and appropriately with their children
- know about a range of resources available to support literacy. eg Cued speech, colourful semantics, shape coding, visual phonics
- know how to access courses to further develop their language and communication skills, eg higher level BSL
- are involved in delivering deaf awareness training and supporting the setting to communicate effectively
- are aware of the tools and resources to ensure the communication, eg communication support workers (CSWs), working with interpreters.
Suggested resources
- Adapted LIFE questionnaire for face masks relating to Covid-19 adjustments
- Signature qualifications
- Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) qualification
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2a. Creating rich language home environments
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2d. Technology for communication
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Section 1 – Deaf identity
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Section 3 Understand access to sound
Section 4 Social, emotional, physical, and mental health
Section 5 Manage change
Section 6 Preparation for adulthood
Section 7 Specialist assessment and monitoring