About | 08.03.2021 | By paul_simpson

Ratio of QToDs to pupils in resource provisions (updated)

A member asks: In the NDCS Quality Standards for Resource Provisions it is stated that the ‘number of specialist teachers at the resource provision is at least consistent with the minimum number recommended by the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (i.e. one Qualified Teacher of the Deaf to six deaf pupils)’.

Can you let me know in which BATOD document this is from and any other guidelines for resource provisions.


There is nothing set in stone about the ratio unfortunately – this is possibly deliberate. However BATOD has had a ‘note’ explaining the 1:6 rationale which has been adopted as BATOD policy. It can be read here.

The number of pupils in a classroom depends on the size of the room, the nature of the activity and the types of special educational needs and/or disabilities the pupils have.
For mainstream BB103 applies,  Building Bulletin 104 details building area formulae recommended for special schools, alternative provision, specially resourced provision and units.   For example, BB 104 provides a recommended area range for typical SEND group sizes from 6 to 12 pupils, depending on the needs of the children and young people.
Teaching Unions have a view on class sizes and may have specific advice. If you feel your class size is excessive, they may support your case.  For example, the NEU set a maximum of 15 pupils for classes of “pupils needing particular small group or individual attention”.
The evidence on class size and classroom processes suggests key features (good and bad) of smaller and larger classes are as follows:
Smaller classes:
  • More time when individual pupils are the focus of a teacher’s attention
  • More active interaction between pupils and teachers
  • More pupil engagement, particularly for pupils attaining at lower levels
Larger classes:
  • More time spent by pupils interacting with each other
  • More time spent by teachers directly teaching the substantive content of the subject knowledge
  • More time spent on non-teaching tasks like procedural talk and taking registers
Further information includes,