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BATOD National Conference 2020 Programme and abstracts

Posted in Conference, News

BATOD are proud to share the programme for the upcoming National Conference.

Below are the links to the current prograame. Please note BATOD reserve the right to modify the programme content as required.

March 2020 Final BATOD Conference Researching the Future Programme

BATOD National Conference 2020 ‘Researching the Future’

14 March 2020

Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children, London

09:00-10:00 Registration, Exhibition and Refreshments
10:00-10:15 President’s Welcome Steph Halder
10:15-11:00 Keynote: Emmie Wienhoven MSc.

Literacy for Deaf and hard of hearing children in Uganda and Tanzania

11:00-11:20 Platinum Sponsors:

1. Advanced Bionics

2. Mary Hare

11:20-11:50 Poster Presentations, Exhibition and Refreshments
11:50-13:00 Presentations 1
Derek Rodger

Heathlands School

Deaf Scientists as Role Models and their Impact on Deaf Students Learning
Sheila Lundberg
Highland Deaf Education Service
British Sign Language Pack
Shaun Fitzgerald

Deaf Minds Education

Mental Health Issues for Deaf Children
Presentations 2
Emily Brooks, Ying Guo & Usha Yoganantha

Royal National ENT & Eastman Dental Hospital

The BAHA System: How and Why is it fitted, a Multi-Disciplinary Approach.
Martina Curtin,

Whittington Health NHS

Training Parents: Generalising Social Communication Skills in SmiLE Therapy
Workshop 1 Sharing Practice
Jordon Fenlon

Martin McLean


Deaf young people – journeys to the world of work
Valerie Copenhagen

Deaf sports

Sport is more than just sport

Platinum Sponsors


13:00-14:30 Poster Presentations, Exhibition and Refreshments
14:00-14:15 BATOD AGM
14:30-15:30 Workshop 2 Sharing Practice
Kathy Kenny

Cued Speech

From Language to Literacy. Learn to Cue – An introduction to Cued Speech
Sheila Lundberg
Highland Deaf Education Service
British Sign Language Pack– Exploring Visual Communication
Workshop 3 Sharing Practice
Noel Kenely &

Estelle Gerrett, AVUK

The parent runs the marathon: coaching from the start line
Tina Wakefield & Emma Frazer


Success from the Start; a developmental resource for the families of deaf children 0-3 years
Workshop 4 Sharing Practice
Lisa Bull

Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service

Early Years Radio Aids
Emma Burton &

Estelle Garrett, AVUK

‘What’s so funny?’: developing verbal humour in deaf children
Workshop 5 Sharing Practice
Jo Walsh

Mary Hare School

Building Character, Independent Thinking and Resilience
Teresa Heaney

Heathlands School

A Critical Review of the Impact and Use of Specialist Apps to Improve Learning for Deaf Children
13:35-15:45 Gold sponsors:



15:45-16:30 Keynote: Helen Willis PhD.

The future for the cyborg generations: Helping CI users live in harmony with their technology

16:30 Thank you and close
Poster Presentations
Saira Hussain Parental decision making for unilateral hearing loss


A Multiple Case Study: The 7 Stages of Writing Approach and its Application to Children Who Are Deaf
Heather Card Assessing the impact of noise on speech perception for deaf children who use hearing aids
Claire Gamon/Joy Rosenberg Linking up Listening Life
BATOD Foundation MESHGuides – Researching the Future accessing and making use of research
Teresa Quail Ling sounds (African-friendly)


Workshop Highland’s 1+2 British Sign Language Pack – Exploring Visual Communication

UK Deaf Sport – ‘Sport is more than just Sport’

The parent runs the marathon Coaching from the startline

The new NDCS resource ‘Success from the Start a developmental resource for the families of deaf children 0-3’ an update of the Early Support Monitoring Protocol

The BAHA System How and Why is it fitted, a Multi-Disciplinary Approach.

smiLE Therapy Whittingtom Health NHS

PRESENTATION Highland’s 1+2 British Sign Language Pack.

Deaf Scientists as Role Models and their Impact on Deaf Students Learning

Building Character, Independent Thinking and Resilience

Parental decision making for unilateral hearing loss

MESHGuides – Researching the Future accessing and making use of research

Assessing the impact of noise on speech perception for deaf children who use hearing aids

A Multiple Case Study The 7 Stages of Writing Approach and its Application to Children Who Are Deaf  

Linking up Listening Life – Researching the future 

From Language to Literacy. Learn to Cue, an introduction to Cued Speech

Early Years radio aid provision

Deaf young people journeys to the world of work – what works

‘What’s so funny’ developing verbal humour in deaf children

A Critical Review Of The Impact And Use Of Specialist Apps To Improve Learning For Deaf Children.

Understanding the impact of Mental Health issues for Deaf children